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Personal information processing policy

Personal information processing policy

Jinyoung Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) processes and safely manages personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related statutes for the protection of freedom and rights of data subjects. In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the personal information processing policy shall be established and disclosed as follows in order to guide the data subject on procedures and standards for processing personal information and to promptly and smoothly process the related grievances.

Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information)
The company will not use the collected personal information for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use changes, we will take necessary measures, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
1. Access Management : For the purpose of corporate facilities and security management
2. Report: The purpose of preventing internal corruption and processing reports

Article 2 (Period of Processing and Retention of Personal Information)
1. The company collects and uses personal information to the minimum extent necessary to provide services in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

1) Personal information items processed with the consent of the data subject
The company provides the following personal information items in accordance with Article 15 (1) 1 and Article 22 (1) 7 of the Personal Information Protection Act
We are processing it with the consent of the subject.
Holding and period of use of classified collection items
Access management (required) Name, mobile phone, and company name (optional) One year after the end of access to the vehicle number is destroyed
(Video information: Discard after 30 days)
Report (Optional) Immediately after achieving the purpose of the name, mobile phone, and e-mail


Article 3 (Providing Personal Information to a Third Party)
In principle, the company does not provide personal information to the outside world. However, it may be provided only in accordance with the law or at the request of the relevant agency.

Article 4 (Consignment processing of personal information)
The company does not entrust matters related to personal information.

Article 5 (Rights, Duties, and Methods of Exercise of Data Subjects)
1. A user may exercise his/her right to view, correct, delete, or suspend processing of personal information at any time. However, as prescribed by the relevant statutes, such as Articles 35 (4), 36 (1) and 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act, the exercise of the right to read, correct, delete, or suspend processing of personal information may be restricted.
2. In accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, users’ rights can be exercised through e-mail, written documents, faxes, etc., and the company will take action without delay.
3. The exercise of rights under paragraph (1) may be done through an agent, such as a legal representative of a user or a person who has been delegated. In such cases, a power of attorney under attached Form 11 of the “Notice on the Method of Processing Personal Information” shall be submitted.
4. When requesting correction or deletion of personal information, if the personal information is specified as a collection target in other laws and regulations, the deletion cannot be requested.
5. The company verifies whether the person who made the request for access, correction or deletion, or access according to the user’s right is the person or a legitimate agent.

Article 6 (Destruction of Personal Information)
1. When personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the retention period of personal information and the achievement of the purpose of processing, the company is aware of the situation
Destroy your personal information without a sieve.
2. Even though the period of retention of personal information agreed by the data subject has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved
Where it is necessary to continue to preserve personal information pursuant to other statutes, the relevant personal information shall be separately stored in a database
Move to the DB or save it with a different storage location.
3. The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.
① Procedure for destruction: The company selects personal information in which the reason for destruction occurred, and the person in charge of personal information protection of the company
Destroy your personal information with approval.
② Method of destruction: The company shall destroy personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files so that the records cannot be reproduced
Then, the personal information recorded and stored in the paper document is shredded or incinerated with a grinder to destroy it.

Article 7 (Measures to ensure the safety of personal information)
The company takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information. However, the company is not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information due to the user’s own carelessness or internet or communication problems.
1. administrative measures
– An internal management plan has been established and implemented for the safe management of personal information handled by the company
– The Company shall limit personal information handlers to the minimum necessary for the performance of their duties, and shall regularly perform related personnel
We recognize the importance of personal information protection through administrative measures such as security education.
2. technical measures
– To prevent personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses, etc.
We are doing our best (using the latest vaccine program, introducing information protection system equipment and solutions, and more)
Implementation of technical protection measures to ensure systematic security)
3. physical measures
– In order to prevent leakage and damage of personal information, the company establishes an access control system in the control area and controls access
We are establishing and operating procedures.

Article 8 (Matters concerning the operation and management of video information processing equipment)
<The operation and management policy of fixed image information processing equipment>
The company will inform you of the use and management of personal image information processed by the company through the operation and management policy of fixed image information processing devices.

1. Basis and Purpose of Installation of Fixed Image Information Processing Equipment
– The company installs and operates fixed video information processing devices for the following purposes pursuant to Article 25 (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act.
– Prevention of crimes, such as the safety of the company’s facilities, prevention of fire, theft, etc., and prevention of vehicle theft and damage

2. Installation location, number of installations, scope of photographing, management officer, department in charge, and person authorizing access to image information
Classified headquarters (Seoul) Ansan plant Ulsan plant Gyeongju plant
Installation Location Major facilities such as company entrance, lobby, emergency stairs, factory, parking lot, etc
Filming range All areas, including major facilities and factory doors, within the company
Storage place Management Office Management Support Team Management Support Team Management Support Team
Department in charge Management Office Management Support Team Management Support Team Management Support Team
Managing Director Responsible Manager Responsible Manager Responsible Manager Responsible Manager Responsible Manager
Call 070-4107-0621031-492-3882 052-239-399 054-777-7953

3. Video information shooting time, storage period, storage place, and processing method
– Shooting time: 24 hours
– Storage period (head office): 30 days from the time of filming
– Storage period (all factories): 110 days from the time of filming
– Storage place and processing method: Storage and processing on the server
4. Method and place for checking video information: Request to the relevant management manager of the head office and base station
5. Measures for the request of the data subject to read video information, etc.: The application shall be made by a request for reading and confirming the existence of personal video information, and the access shall be permitted only when the data subject himself is photographed or clearly necessary for the benefit of life, body, and property of the data subject
6. Technical, administrative, and physical measures for the protection of video information: Establishment of internal management plans, restriction of access control and access rights, application of safe storage and transmission technology of video information, storage of processing records and measures to prevent forgery and alteration, provision of storage facilities and installation of locking devices, etc

Article 9 (Personal Information Protection Officer and Rights Relief Method)
The company is in charge of handling personal information and designates a personal information protection officer as follows for the handling of complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to personal information processing.
Distinguished Contact Email
Chief of Management, Personal Information Protection Officer 070-4107-0425
Head of Information Technology Team, Management Office, Personal Information Protection Officer 070-4107-0621

The information subject can contact the personal information protection officer and the department in charge for all personal information protection-related inquiries and complaint damage relief that occurred while using the company’s service, and the company will respond to the information subject’s inquiries without delay.
Also, if you need counseling on other personal information infringement, please contact the institution below.
①Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency): (118 without country code) /
②Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency): 1833-6972 /
③Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Cybercrime Investigation Team: (T)02-3480-3573 /
④Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency: (T)1566-0112 /

Article 10 (Request for access to personal information)
The data subject may request the following department to access personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act. The company will do its best to ensure that the data subject’s request for access to personal information can be processed quickly.

①Department for receiving and processing requests for personal information access
Department Name Contact Email
Management Office 070-4107-0620


Article 11 (Change in Personal Information Processing Policy)
This personal information protection processing policy was enacted on December 12, 2024, and if there is an addition, deletion, or modification of the contents due to changes in laws, policies, or security technologies, the reasons and contents of the change will be announced at least seven days before the implementation of the change.

①Effective date: December 12, 2024