Sustainable Management
Ethical Management
JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. has established an Ethical Charter and Code of Practice to provide a basis for ethical decision-making in its operations, fostering an ethical management culture across the organization.

5 Principles of Ethical Charter
We perform our work with clear and transparent standards, fulfilling our responsibilities with sincerity and to the best of our ability.
We compete fairly in the marketplace, and conduct transactions with our counterparts based on fairness and integrity.
We strive to provide safe products, top-tier services, and accurate information, while safeguarding personal data to realize customer value.
We respect each member as an independent individual, ensuring fair labor conditions and a safe working environment.
We contribute to sustainable development by fulfilling our social responsibilities, enabling various stakeholders to prosper together.
ESG Management
ESG management is a core value of JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL. We emphasize the importance of the environment and safety, and we are committed to practicing sound and transparent corporate governance.

We recognize the role and responsibility of businesses in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and will participate in achieving global carbon neutrality.
- Carbon emission reduction and climate crisis response
- Energy efficiency improvement activities
- Management of environmental pollutants (air, water, waste, etc.)
We strive to find the right direction for sustainable growth and positive changes for society, and we aim to expand social value.
- Worker safety
- Supply chain management
- Responsible purchasing and procurement
- Compliance with labor standards and human rights protection

We strive for fair competition in order to grow correctly in social, economic, and environmental aspects.
- Transparent accounting and responsible taxation
- dentification of stakeholders and risk management
- Internal and external customer reporting systems
- Grievance handling system
UNGC Principles
We respect the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and we strive to comply with them.
Human Rights
01. Companies should support and respect the protection of internationally declared human rights.
02. Companies should actively strive to avoid involvement in human rights violations.
03. Companies should support the effective recognition of the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
04. Companies should eliminate all forms of forced labor.
05. Companies should effectively abolish child labor.
06. Companies should eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation.
07. Companies should support a preventive approach to environmental issues.
08. Companies should take measures to promote environmental responsibility.
09. Companies should promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
10. Companies should oppose all forms of corruption, including unfair acquisition and bribery.
Safety and Health Management
JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL recognizes that the life, safety, and health of its members are the highest priority and an essential element of management. We are committed to establishing a sustainable safety and health management system to prevent industrial accidents and create a safe working environment. By doing so, we aim to ensure the safety, health, and happiness of all members, including our partners, as outlined below:

Safety and Health Management Policy
01.Safety and Health Responsibility Management
We perform our duties with clear and transparent standards, fulfilling our responsibilities with sincerity and the utmost effort.
02.Continuous Improvement
Through activities such as planning, risk assessment, performance measurement, and review of the safety and health management system, we strive to continuously improve safety and health levels.
03.Strengthening Accident Prevention Activities
By conducting risk assessments, regular safety inspections, and creating a safe and healthy work environment, we establish and implement a safety and health management system that identifies and improves hazardous factors, taking the lead in preventing major accidents and industrial disasters.
04.Fostering a Safety and Health Culture
Based on the participation and actions of workers, we create a safety culture where everyone is involved. Through systematic safety training and effective countermeasures, we foster a corporate culture where employees voluntarily participate in safety and health activities.
05.Safety and Health Management as a Priority
We disclose safety and health management policies and outcomes to all stakeholders, ensuring that safety and health management is prioritized in all business activities, fulfilling our social responsibility to create a safe and healthy workplace.
Safety and Health Objectives

Building an Advanced Safety Culture
Zero Major Accidents
INYOUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. is implementing an ISO 45001-based safety and environmental system grounded in its safety and health management policy. The company strives for sustainable management by fostering an advanced safety culture.
01.Management's Safety and Health Activities
02.Establishment of a Major Accident Prevention System
03.On-Site Safety-Centered Activities
04.Proactive Safety Management with Partner Companies
Mutual Growth
JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. endeavors to enhance the competitiveness of its partner companies, achieving shared growth and mutual value creation as collaborative partners.

Fostering a Culture of Fair Trade
- Building Trust and Strengthening Collaboration
- Stabilizing Partner Companies' Management
- Implementing Standard Subcontract Agreements
Ensuring Fair Contract Execution
- Quality and Management Innovation
- Promoting Technological Collaboration and Protection
- Faithfully Fulfilling Contracts in Accordance with Agreements and Relevant Laws

Preventing Unfair Trade Practices
- Spreading a Fair Trade Culture
- Establishing Smooth Communication Channels
- Ensuring Fair Payment Conditions
Environmental Management
JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. implements an environmental management system based on ISO 14001 through a systematic management framework. The company continuously improves processes to fulfill its environmental management objectives.

Energy Management
We are promoting daily energy-saving activities, such as expanding eco-friendly products, identifying and implementing energy efficiency initiatives, and conducting energy-saving campaigns.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
To address climate change and achieve carbon neutrality, we have established greenhouse gas reduction targets and are actively working to meet them.

Waste Management
We strive to minimize waste generated during business operations by establishing and implementing processing standards for efficient waste management and recycling.
Ethics Reporting
JINYOUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. accepts ethics reports to uphold transparent and fair ethical management. All received reports undergo fact-checking and investigation. To ensure that whistleblowers can submit reports with confidence, all information related to the reports and the whistleblowers is kept confidential and securely managed, guaranteeing strict protection of the whistleblowers’ identities. Reports are expected to be submitted under the reporter’s real name. Anonymous reports that are vague or difficult to verify may be closed without further notice.
- Misuse of Private Gains: Bribery, monetary transactions, entertainment acceptance, embezzlement or theft of public funds, personal gain, and misuse of insider information.
- Abuse of power, solicitation, unfair work orders, and conflicts of interest.
- Breaches of trade secrets, anti-competitive behavior, and violations of fair trade regulations.
- Human Rights Violations: Workplace harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence, labor conditions, forced labor, child labor, and other human rights issues or grievances.
Report Submission
Report Review
Confidential Investigation
Notification of Results
- Confidentiality : The identity of the whistleblower is strictly protected, and no actions that reveal or imply their identity are permitted.
- Identity Protection : Whistleblowers will not face any form of disadvantage or discrimination, including disciplinary action, due to their report or testimony.
- Mitigation of Responsibility : Whistleblowers who voluntarily report an issue may have their disciplinary measures reduced or waived, regardless of the content or timing of the report.
- Please fill out the form below and submit it. Your report will be reviewed and processed promptly.